
Stan’s Donuts 5K

If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know that I ran the Stan’s Donuts 5K on August 12th at Montrose Beach. I’m taking a week off of the donut reviews to share my experience running this sugary race.

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I’m not really a runner. The first 5K I ever ran was in 2014 and I hadn’t run another one until this June. After completing the Lincoln Park Zoo 5K, I thought I was done running for a while and would wait another 3 years to run a 5K. Not even a week later, the Stan’s 5K was announced and of course I had to do it. The promise of a donut medal alone was enough to convince me to keep running in July so that I could run this race.


The morning of August 12th was a BEAUTIFUL day in Chicago. Armed with my donut headband and 3 other friends who like running and donuts, we set off along the lakefront. After miles 1 and 2, runners received a glazed mini donut. After crossing the finish line, runners were given a sparkly donut medal and then received a full sized glazed donut.

photo by @motherofpickles

Let me tell you, nothing tastes as good as a donut after a run. Sharing it with friends and other donut lovers made it even more fun. Shoutout to Katie, Ellen, and Kelsey for running with me and sharing my love of donuts.

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If you missed out on this year’s race, I’d highly recommend registering for it next year! I can’t guarantee the weather will be as nice as it was this year, but the donuts are worth the exercise!

Note: I’m going on vacation in 2 weeks. I’m going to take a break from technology so there will be no post on September 3rd. Enjoy your Labor Day weekend!

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