
Apple Cinnamon Jelly Filled – Randy’s

Of course, I bought more than 1 donut at Randy’s.

What I really liked about Randy’s was their menu. You didn’t have to crowd around a glass case to see what donuts they had. Their menu displayed all of their offerings sorted into different price points, with most under $2. I also liked that it denoted which donuts were cake donuts.


I knew I was getting a glazed raised, but it took me some time to decide on a second.  I contemplated one of the premium donuts or an apple fritter, but then I saw “apple cinn jelly filled” (fancy column, top row, second from the right) and I knew that was the one I had to get. Krispy Kream used to (still does?) have a really good apple cinnamon donut and I was hoping this lived up to that. I was not disappointed.

Appearance: 3
It’s a little bigger than I expected and not exactly the prettiest with the cinnamon on the outside, but I’m excited to eat it.

Dough: 4
Pretty sturdy for the filling.

Glaze/frosting: X

Topping: 3
Very cinnamony on top. I wonder if it would have been good with some powdered sugar too?

Filling: 4
The jelly is a little fake tasting, but also what I expected. It’s viscous and the cinnamon topping adds well to the flavor.

Overall Taste: 4
This is a good fall donut! I gobbled this up pretty quickly.

Total: 18/20 sprinkles

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