
Lemon Mascarpone – Downstate Donuts

After a sort of unplanned hiatus, I’m back. This little blog is usually a sort of joy for me, but lately it felt like a chore. Plus, there were so many more important resources, articles, and petitions being shared online this month, that I felt silly asking people to read my blog about donuts.

I’ve decided I’m adding something to each blog post going forward, because it’s my blog and I can do whatever I want. So starting this week, I’m going to tell you something I read, watched, or listened to try and become a better ally. This isn’t meant to be “performative,” but as a means to hold myself accountable. I spend maybe an hour a week on this blog. You know what else I could do in an hour? Educate myself.

So what did I do this week? I watched 13th on Netflix. I also filled out my vote by mail application with the city of Chicago for the November election.

So, time for donuts.  Downstate Donuts, the potato donut, is back. When ordering, the mascarpone caught my eye since you don’t see that too often. On their menu it’s described as, “Lemon Olive Oil cake donut with Lemon Mascarpone glaze and fresh lemon peel.” I like lemon, and I like mascarpone, and it sounded like a good spring donut to me. I also thought it was interesting olive oil was going to be used in the dough.

Appearance: 4
It was a little hard to tell that this was a lemon donut at first glance (I ordered 4 donuts in total and am spreading them out throughout the blog). I forgot I ordered this flavor!

Dough: 4
Very very fluffy with a touch of outer crunch, however, there were some less fluffy areas of the donut.

Glaze/frosting: 4
Lemon forward, but not too prominent.

Topping: N/A

Filling: N/A

Overall Taste: 5
I don’t know how they get a lemon initial taste & mascarpone after taste, but they managed to do it! This is a great spring/summer donut.

Total: 17/20 sprinkles

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