
Boston Cream – Stan’s

In all my years of eating donuts, I can’t say I’ve ever eaten a Boston Cream one. I never really gravitated toward that flavor. As I’ve said before, I usually go for fruit first, then chocolate. Cream never interested me for some reason, but this blog is all about trying new donuts!

What exactly is a Boston Cream donut? Well, first we have to look at the Boston Cream Pie. Merriam Webster defines it as “a round cake that is split and filled with a custard or cream filling and usually frosted with chocolate.” What’s Cooking America gives more history, stating “The Parker House Hotel (now the Omni Parker House Hotel), claims to have served Boston cream pies since their opening in 1856.”

I don’t recall ever having Boston Cream pie ever in my life either (I also tend to gravitate to fruit pies), so this is all new territory. Because this is my first ever Boston Cream donut, I guess this the benchmark for Boston Creams going forward. I don’t really know what makes a good or bad Boston Cream. If you know, leave a comment!


Appearance: 4
Nice size, but I’m concerned the dough looks a little too done.

Has a little bit of a too done aftertaste, but overall pretty good. Fluffy and sturdy enough to hold the filling and chocolate frosting.

A good chocolate flavor that covers the donut.

Topping: N/A

It was very lopsided and took me at least 3 bites to get to the filling. Once I got to it, I didn’t like it much. It tasted… artificial. I know I do not have any Bostom Creams to go by, but I’m not a fan. I’d rather have a fruit filling any day.

Overall Taste:2
I thought the chocolate would balance out the custard filling, but I can’t say I enjoyed this donut as a whole. While it had some good elements (like the chocolate frosting), I didn’t love the filling. And maybe that’s just personal preference, but I wouldn’t recommend this particular donut when there are better options on the menu.

Total: 16/25 sprinkles

Also, I’m not sure where to put my note of what I read, watched, etc. to be a better-informed ally. I also don’t want to make this a long list of every single thing I’ve consumed because it makes it look like I’m trying to pat myself on the back and get a few extra likes. So I’m only listing 1 or 2. I’ve been making my way through the “Justice in June” Google doc. Even though we’re in July now, I encourage you to check it out if you haven’t!

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