
Margarita – Firecakes

On a lovely spring day, I decided to walk from my Lakeview apartment to the Lincoln Park Firecakes. The sun was shining, there was a cool breeze, and I was excited to eat their seasonal Rhubarb Fritter. What I wasn't expecting was for the Margarita donut to still be available! I remember seeing this for… Continue reading Margarita – Firecakes


Blackberry Basil Lime – Union Square Donuts

We have a new guest blogger from Boston today! Kathryn and I became friends about a year and a half ago when we were both bridesmaids for a mutual friend's wedding. We quickly bonded over our love for making restaurant reservations and Emily Post's Etiquette Guide. I haven't heard of Union Square Donuts, but I… Continue reading Blackberry Basil Lime – Union Square Donuts