Raised (yeast) Donut

Chocolate Glazed with Sprinkles – Cochon Volant

As you may recall, in the Spring I reviewed Cochon Volant’s vanilla glazed donut after first trying it at Donut Fest. I knew they also had a chocolate glazed donut so eventually I would have to compare the 2. Let’s see how they compare.

Appearance: 5
I like that the chocolate icing covers all sides of the donut and goes all the way down to the bottom

Very soft. Compliments the chocolate well

Very good, but I think I would have liked it to be a little thicker

Topping: N/A

Filling: N/A

Overall Taste: 
The chocolate makes this donut seem more like a dessert than a breakfast item. Very delectable!

Total: 19/20 sprinkles

2017-07-19 08.20.12

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