
Top 7 Donuts of 2017: Chicago Edition

Merry Christmas! I hope your holiday is filled with delicious donuts and other sweet treats!

After eating over 50 donuts this year, I am revealing the best donuts I ate in Chicago in the year 2017. It was a tough job, but someone had to do it. These top 7 donuts can be found in the city of Chicago (ok one is in Evanston, but it’s accessible via the purple line on the CTA).

Throughout this year, people have asked me, “What is the best donut you’ve ever eaten?” well, here is your answer. These donuts scored a 95% or above and are what I would recommend to anyone visiting Chicago for the first time.

1. Vanilla Glazed – Doughnut Vault
If I were to eat a last meal, this donut would be a part of it. It is simple, yet the quality of it puts it above any other glazed donut in Chicago. This was one of my favorites before I even started this blog. It is fluffy, full of vanilla flavor, and totally deserving of its 100% score. If you can only get one donut in Chicago, make it this one.

2. Birthday Cake Doughssant – West Town Bakery
You know what’s better than a croissant? A doughssant from West Town Bakery. You know what’s better than birthday cake? A Birthday cake doughssant. This hybrid is one of a kind and only in Chicago. This delightful treat scored a 100%.

3. Apple Cider Donut – Scafuri Bakery
apple cider donut - Scafuri bakery
Sometimes I was surprised by the outcome of a donut. I wasn’t expecting to like this apple cider donut as much as I did. Ultimately it scored a 100% and I was really impressed. After eating it I immediately wanted another and can’t believe I had lived so long without this apple cider donut in my life. Scafuri Bakery was a dark horse this year and I hope to see them at Donut Fest in 2018!

4. Raspberry Jelly – Bennison’s Bakery
2017-04-20 06.56.35

Ok so it’s not technically in Chicago, but you can see it from the Davis Purple Line stop. This raspberry jelly donut scored a 96% making it the highest scored jelly filled donut of the year. It’s a great size and is made with a great dough. I hope to go back to Bennison’s in 2018!

5. Vanilla Bean Glazed w/ coconut & cinnamon – Donut Delight
2017-07-15 13.59.36

I may be unoriginal when I say this donut was a true delight. No one seems to be talking about this donut shop easily accessible off the 606 Trail. I didn’t know it even existed prior to walking the trail and was intrigued by the brightly colored mural on the side of the building. Scoring a 96% this donut is a unique combination of vanilla, coconut, and cinnamon.

6. Chocolate Glazed with Sprinkles – Cochon Volant: 95%
2017-07-19 08.30.48

Located in Hyatt at Clark and Monroe, I first discovered this donut at DonutFest 2017. It was exciting to discover a great donut (scoring a 95%!) so close to my office. It is the highest ranking of the chocolate variety, unless you include the final donut below:

7. Strawberry Old Fashioned with Chocolate Drizzle – Doughnut Vault
2017-08-16 08.57.07

Our last, but certainly not least, donut is the Strawberry Old Fashioned with Chocolate Drizzle from Doughnut Vault! This donut is only available as a special, so make sure you sign up for their email list or follow them on Twitter to find out when you can buy it! This highest scoring old-fashioned (95%) tastes like a summer day even on the dreariest Chicago mornings.

Congratulations to Doughnut Vault for 2 donuts to make the top 7 of 2017! To see a list of all 63(!!) donuts eaten, visit The Rankings Page!

Come back on Wednesday to find out what the best-ranking donuts in Seattle are!

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