
Apple Cider Donut – Scafuri Bakery

Located in Chicago’s Little Italy neighborhood, Scarfuri isn’t new to the donut scene. This family bakery opened in 1904 (over 100 years ago!). It’s also a great place to get an apple cider donut without leaving the city and getting your shoes dirty at an orchard.

apple cider donut - Scafuri bakery

Appearance: 5
This looks like what an apple cider donut should look like!

Dough: 5
Excellent. The dough had great overall flavor and it had a slight crunch on the outside.

Glaze/frosting: N/A

Excellent cinnamon sugar ratio & a mountain of it didn’t fall off when I bit into it.

Filling: N/A

Overall Taste: 
I REALLY enjoyed this donut. It wasn’t dry, not too big, and made me want a second. I haven’t had an apple cider donut in a long time, but this one may be the best I’ve had. It definitely sets the standard for future Apple Cider Donuts.

Total: 20/20 sprinkles

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