Old Fashioned

Peppermint Mocha Old Fashioned – Glazed and Infused

One of the best parts of the Christmas season is the abundance of peppermint and chocolate items including Ghiradelli’s Peppermint Bark Chocolate Squares and Peppermint Mochas from Starbucks.

Glazed and Infused decided to jump on board with this delightful pairing and make a Peppermint Mocha Old-Fashioned as a seasonal donut. Of course, I had to try. While I wish I had grabbed a Peppermint Mocha to drink with this donut, a glass of milk also did the trick.

I kind of assumed the dough would be chocolate (do chocolate old-fashioneds like that exist?). I also wish the chocolate frosting came down the sides a little more.

Dough: 3
It broke pretty easily and was on the softer side.

I find it odd that this donut was first covered in vanilla glaze and then the chocolate mocha icing. It seemed unnecessary. I also wish the chocolate icing was thicker, like a ganache instead.

Topping: 5
Excellent dusting of peppermint and white chocolate shavings

Filling: N/A 

Overall Taste: 4
It’s a fun, seasonal donut. If peppermint mochas are your jam at Christmas, then you’ll probably like this donut. Overall it’s decent, but could be better with some improvements.

Total: 19/25 sprinkles

Photo Nov 28, 5 12 01 PM

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