
Top 3 Donuts of 2017: Seattle Edition

We had quite a few Seattle donuts on the blog this year thanks to my friend Mike who was kind enough to be a guest blogger. These are the top 3 best donuts reviewed by him in Seattle.

  1. Raspberry Bullseye – Top Pot
    Top Pot Bullseye DonutThis donut is similar to a raspberry jelly, except it has a divot in the middle to hold the filling. This donut received a 100% for its fluffy dough, “just right” glaze, and the jelly having “nice balance between sweet and tart.” Next time you’re at Top Pot, get this donut!
  2. Maple Bacon Log – Top Pot
    Top Pot Maple Bacon LogIs there a better combination than maple and bacon? Mike didn’t seem to think so, also giving this donut a 100% for its “sweet, light dough” and is excellently paired with a cinnamon coffee (pictured above).
  3. Mini Donuts – Daddy’s Donuts
    Daddy's DonutsWhile I have been to Top Pot prior to starting this blog, I have not been to Daddy’s Donuts. Located in Kenmore, these little donuts are made-to-order. Available in plain, cinnamon sugar, and powdered sugar, these donuts received a 97.5%.

Congratulations to Top Pot for two perfect score donuts! If you haven’t been to Seattle, I recommend visiting and checking out these donut shops!

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