
Top 6 Donuts of 2019 (Chicago)

As we wrap up the third year of Donut Daze, I’m thrilled to report that 2019 was another great year for donuts. Thanks to everyone who has read this blog, told a friend about it, and/or eaten donuts with me! I’m excited that I can keep this fun little passion project/hobby going. And if this season of giving has you inspired to sponsor a donut (or support the blog in general), feel free to drop me a few dollars via Paypal.

I know in the past I’ve varied the number of top donuts in Chicago, but I picked six this year because I made my cutoff 95% or higher. We had 3 perfect scores (woo!) and a few returning shops.

    1. Meyer Lemon (Mini) – Firecakes (100%)
      Though this donut was mini, it sure contained a lot of flavor.  If you want a little indulgence, I highly recommend this donut.
    2. Cinnamon Sugar – Hot Chocolate Bakery (100%)
      Hot Chocolate Bakery can do no wrong. This is the second donut I’ve eaten from them and it’s also a winner. This is one of the best vendors in Revial Food Hall.
    3. Margarita– Firecakes (100%)
      The day I ate this donut was one of the best days. The weather was beautiful and one of the first nice days of spring. I sat outside and ate this scrumptious donut and was just so grateful that I got to eat this donut. I cannot wait for it to return next spring.
    4. Le Stan– Stan’s (96%)
      Stan’s variation of the cronut. While there are seasonal offerings (which I have not tried yet), this “original” is pretty darn good.
    5. Apple Fritter– Mariano’s (96%)
      It may have been the hangover talking, but this apple fritter hit. the. spot. This apple fritter was my favorite fritter I ate this year.
    6. Powdered– Beavers (95%)
      Who knew a simple powdered sugar donut would be so delightful?

What were some of your favorite donuts in 2019? Curious about past favorites? Read 2018 here or 2017 here. You can also see an all-time list on The Rankings Page! Want the rankings broken down by shop? Click here.

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