Raised (yeast) Donut

Vanilla Bean Glazed w/ coconut & cinnamon – Donut Delight (606 Trail Stop #3)

The third, and final, stop of the 606 Trail Donut Crawl is Donut Delight. Located on California, you can spot it by the colorful mural on the side of the building. It shares a space with a hand car wash, but whether you walk, ride, or drive here, it’s definitely worth the trip. Upon entering… Continue reading Vanilla Bean Glazed w/ coconut & cinnamon – Donut Delight (606 Trail Stop #3)

mini donuts

Chocolate Ganache – Ipsento 606 (606 Trail Stop #2)

Our second stop on the 606 trail is Ipsento 606 on Western Ave. This unique establishment is coffee shop by day, bar by night. These mini donuts are made with sweet potatoes and “freshly milled kamut.” What’s kamut? Good question. Wikipedia tells me Kamut (AKA Khorasan wheat) is an ancient grain “twice the size of modern-day wheat and… Continue reading Chocolate Ganache – Ipsento 606 (606 Trail Stop #2)


Apple Fritter – Stan’s Donuts (606 Trail Stop #1)

After a week off for Labor Day, I’m back! To make it up, I have a special treat for you, dear donut readers: a 3 part series featuring a donut crawl along the 606! The 606 Trail (AKA the Bloomingdale trail) is Chicago’s version of the High Line in NYC. The city took an old… Continue reading Apple Fritter – Stan’s Donuts (606 Trail Stop #1)

Rankings by Donut Shop

You asked for it (well, one person did), and I delivered! I have organized the donuts by shop. Is your favorite place not on here? Leave your recommendations in the comments. Favorite donuts from 2018 can be found in this post. You can read about my all-time favorite donuts from 2017 in Chicago and Seattle… Continue reading Rankings by Donut Shop


Apple Fritter – Dinkel’s Bakery

Another Apple Fritter is on the blog today. To be honest, I don’t even know how to categorize this. I chose”raised (yeast) donut” for the Stan’s Apple Fritter, but I’m having second thoughts. Should I create a “Fritter” category? For now, I’ll use Uncategorized. I mean, it is an accurate category since I’m wasting so much… Continue reading Apple Fritter – Dinkel’s Bakery